Our exhibit, Energy, has a special place in Ela’s heart, quite literally. She started painting late last year after suffering a heart attack at 48 years old. This event jolted her onto a new life trajectory that includes a special focus on art.
Ela’s Heart
She bravely took fear from this traumatic experience and used it to facilitate a new love and appreciation for life. For her, energy translates to life. While inspiration sometimes comes to her in dreams, her paintings always exude pure, raw emotion.
“Catharsis” acrylic on canvas (30”x 40”) $750
While she hates talking about herself, her art does the speaking for her. Her piece, “Catharsis” illustrates a purge from repressed emotions and the subsequent relief created through this expression. The deep yet bright red oscillating lines seem to call to the lines created on a heart rate monitor. This new heartbeat is painted over the dark background, representing the new life created out of trauma. The thick textures create dimension, making the piece come to life, much like she did. It hangs on the wall with her other works seemingly radiating from it and creates a storyboard on the gallery wall for her experiences.
“Energy to me is life. All my paintings are driven by pure emotion. Some have come to me in dreams. I really don’t know how else to explain it. It’s raw emotion.”
- Elizabeth “Ela” Szymczak
Energy at Twist
Don’t miss this rest of this amazing collection! Be sure to visit Twist at 1100 Queen Street West and check out our newest exhibits. Our doors are open every Tuesday to Saturday from 11am till 6pm.
You can call us at (416) 588 - 2222 or email your questions and inquiries to info@twistgallery.ca.
And since you’re here, why not browse the Twist Artist Showcase? CLICK HERE.
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